Easy Guide: How to Delete Your Facebook Story

In today’s digital age, Facebook Stories offer a dynamic way to share your life’s moments with friends and followers. But what if you change your mind or mistakenly share something? Don’t worry; deleting a Facebook Story is straightforward. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step, ensuring your digital footprint aligns with your current mood or preferences.

Understanding Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories, inspired by the success of Snapchat and Instagram Stories, allow users to post photos or videos that vanish after 24 hours. However, there are times when you might want to remove a story before it automatically disappears. Whether it’s a photo that didn’t turn out as expected or a video shared by accident, the ability to delete a Facebook Story is a useful feature.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your Facebook Story

1. Accessing Your Story

To begin, navigate to the Stories section at the top of your Facebook feed. Here, you’ll find your story alongside those from your friends. Click on “Your Story” to view the content you’ve posted.

2. Finding the Right Option

After opening your story, look for the three dots (“More” option) in the upper-right corner of the story you wish to delete. Clicking this will reveal a dropdown menu with several options.

3. Deleting the Story

From the dropdown menu, select “Delete photo” or “Delete video,” depending on the type of content you’re removing. A prompt will appear, asking for confirmation. Click “Delete” to permanently remove the story from your profile and feed.

4. Confirming the Deletion

Once you confirm the deletion, the story will immediately disappear from your Facebook profile. It’s worth noting that this action is irreversible, so be sure you want to delete the story before proceeding.

5. Additional Tips

  • If you’ve shared multiple stories, you’ll need to repeat the process for each piece of content you want to remove.
  • Deleting a story also removes it from Messenger, ensuring it’s not visible across both platforms.
  • Should you have the Story Archive feature enabled, deleted stories won’t be saved to your archive. However, you can manually archive stories if you wish to keep them without having them public.

Managing Your Story Archive

Facebook also offers a Story Archive feature, allowing you to keep your stories beyond the 24-hour window. If you’re looking to delete an older story saved in your archive, the process is slightly different:

  • Go to your profile and select “Archive.”
  • Choose “Story Archive” to view your saved stories.
  • Select the story you want to delete, click on the three dots (“More” option), and choose “Delete.”

Controlling Who Sees Your Stories

Facebook provides several privacy options for your stories, letting you control who can view them. You can set your stories to be visible to everyone, only friends, or customize the audience further by excluding specific people.


Deleting a Facebook Story is a simple process that allows you to maintain control over your digital narrative. Whether you’re cleaning up your profile or correcting a mistake, the flexibility to remove content ensures your social media presence accurately reflects your current state.


  1. Can I delete a Facebook Story after it’s been viewed? 

Yes, you can delete your story at any time during the 24-hour period it’s live.

  1. What happens if I delete a story from my archive? 

Deleting a story from your archive removes it permanently, and you won’t be able to access it again.

  1. Can I recover a deleted Facebook Story? 

Once a story is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

  1. Do deleted stories remain visible in Messenger?

No, deleting a story from Facebook also removes it from Messenger.

  1. Can I delete a story shared by someone else?

You cannot delete stories shared by others, but you can choose to mute their stories to prevent them from appearing in your feed. 

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